- 大三起進入「主系選修」修課。規劃四大領域: 工學院:奈米材料領域 理學院:奈米光電領域 電機學院:奈米電子領域 生物科技學院:奈米生科領域畢業前,四個領域要修滿其中二個領域,共18學分。本班學生已於大一大二接觸四大學院核心菁 華課程,此時應可很明確瞭解自己有興趣的領域方向(主專長)。
- 規劃「其他非通識課程專業選修11學分」,學生針對興趣領域來精修核心技術課程,即已足夠。故您會比其他學生多了其他學院的智能,未來就業別是否為您專長領域,均可很快進入狀況。
- 依據「國立交通大學學士班優秀入學生出國短期進修獎學金辦法」規定,優秀學生赴國外短期留學者,在校成績平均達80分、托福成績達IBT79分並於本校選修過3門全英文授課課程等規定方可提出申請。
- 本班沒有名額限制,只要符合上述條件皆可申請出國。
- 奈米學士班目前僅設「大學部」,故所有資源全部投注在本班學生身上。
- 奈米學士班等同於一般學系,有專屬的行政組織(設主任及助理),學校並有專屬空間約170坪,除行政及學生圖書空間外,尚有含2間教學實驗室。
- 因本班學生數較少,學生專屬空間24hr開放,其感情活絡,就像一個小家庭般溫馨,凝聚力超強。

Why is the department not called the Nanoscience and Engineering Department but instead the rather long name “Undergraduate Honors Program of Nanoscience and Engineering”?
The nano bachelor program is the only joint undergraduate program of the College of Engineering, the College of Science, the College of Electrical Engineering and the College of Biological Science and Technology. The Ministry of Education gave the title of "degree program" specifically for the interdisciplinary learning. Furthermore, the term "department" usually refers to studies under a single field; thus, the program is called a "degree program."
If I enroll in the nano bachelor program that involves 4 schools, can I choose not to study the course of a specific school?
No. In the 1st and 2nd years, students must take the core courses of the 4 schools; these courses are “required by the major”. Thus, if students do not pass any of these courses, they need to retake the course.
Because the nano bachelor program is the first in the nation, what graduate masters’ program can I apply to in the future?
In the 1st and 2nd years, students mainly take core courses, on which almost all of the graduate screening tests are based, as well as the “elective courses of the major”. Thus, you will have more graduate schools to select from. The first graduates from the program were admitted by departments or graduate schools including the Materials Institute, Photonics Institute, Electronics Institute, Electrical Engineering Institute, Electrophysics Institute, Power Mechanical Engineering Institute, Institute of Display, Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering Institute, Biomedical Engineering Institute, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences Institute, and Institute of Molecular Medicine.
How can my main expertise be attained while taking interdisciplinary courses from 4 colleges? Will I lose focus and become a “master of none”?
- Students start to take “elective courses of the major” in the 3rd year. The courses are in the following 4 major areas: College of Engineering: nanomaterials College of Science: nanophotonics College of Electrical and Computer Engineering: nanoelectronics College of Biological Science and Technology: nano-biological science and technology Before graduating, the student must complete 2 out of the 4 majors, for a total of 18 credits. Students in the program are exposed to the core courses of the 4 colleges in the 1st and 2nd years. By then, they should have decided which direction/field they are interested in (main expertise).
- It should be sufficient if the student can use the 11 credits for “other non-general education elective courses of the major” and focus on the core technical courses of the area of interest. Therefore, compared with other students, you will have additional knowledge from other colleges and will be prepared for your future job very rapidly, whether or not it is in the area of your main expertise.
It is stated in the department/school guidelines that “students with excellent academic performance will receive support to study abroad for one semester or one school year as an exchange student”. What is the definition of “excellent academic performance”?
- 1. According to the "Regulations of the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students for short-term study abroad, National Chiao Tung University", outstanding students who can study abroad for a short term must meet the following requirements for application: an average grade of 80%, a TOEFL score of IBT79, and passing grades in three elective courses taught in English.
- There is no quota restriction. All students who meet the above requirements can apply.
What kind of future career development is available for students in the program?
It depends on the area you study: students who major in “nanomaterials” face the same job market as students from the Department of Materials Science; students who major in “nanoelectronics” face the same job market as students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; students who major in “nanophotonics” face the same job market as students from the Department of Photonics and the Department of Electrophysics; students who major in “nano-biological science and technology” face the same job market as students from the Department of Biological Science and Technology. Students who study in multiple areas and receive the generalist education create a future with endless possibilities for themselves.
Is there a dedicated space for students? Will students have a feeling of belonging nowhere?
- Currently, the program includes only an undergraduate division; thus, all of the resources are used for the program’s students.
- The program is equivalent to a department and has a dedicated administrative organization (with an assigned director and assistant). The school has set aside a dedicated space of approximately 170 m2 for the program, which includes administrative offices, a student library, and two teaching laboratories.
- Due to the small number of students in the program and the dedicated 24 h student space, the students are emotionally connected, with family-like warmth and strong cohesion.