The year of study abroad is very significant in my life … thus far, it is definitely my most remarkable and precious memory.
The students in this class go abroad for an average of 27%
林○○ 德國慕尼黑工業大學(一學年) 陳○○ 德國漢諾威大學 梁○○ 德國奧格斯堡大學 洪○○ 荷蘭湍特大學(一學年) 陳○○ 荷蘭湍特大學 吳○○ 荷蘭湍特大學 謝○○ 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校 薛○○ 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校 陳○ 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校 徐○○ 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校(一學年) 陳○○ 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校材料所雙聯學位(一學年) 吳○○ 比利時魯汶大學(一學年) 紀○○ 比利時魯汶大學 王○○ 比利時魯汶大學 周○○ 比利時安特衛普大學 施○○ 比利時安特衛普大學 高○○ 瑞典皇家理工學院 李○○ 瑞典皇家理工學院 關○○ 瑞典皇家理工學院 劉○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學 李○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學 范○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學 曾○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學(一學年) 謝○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學(一學年) 李○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學 施○○ 瑞典查默斯理工科技大學 李○○ 瑞典林雪平大學 張○○ 瑞典林雪平大學 潘○○ 瑞典林雪平大學 李○○ 瑞典林雪平大學 王○○ 芬蘭育華夫斯基大華(一學年) 顏○○ 芬蘭育華夫斯基大華 鍾○○ 法國波爾多大學 趙○○ 英國南安普敦大學 林○○ 韓國成均館大學 林○○ 新加坡南洋理工大學 謝○○ 新加坡南洋理工大學 陳○○ 新加坡南洋理工大學 鄭○○ 日本東京大學(一學年) 蔡○○ 日本近畿大學 楊○○ 北京清華大學 温○○ 北京大學 朱○○ 北京大學 |

Having fun learning and experiencing
Exchange students can use their time freely and get to know local friends in that country. In addition to studying in the school, you can also visit countries other than the original country and have fun. Travel deeper than a self-guided tour. You can select an off-shore coffee shop, order a cup of the local special drink, and use your so-so English skills to chat with local people or with your friends abroad. If there is a chance, visit their homes, walk around, shadow them for a day; you'll obtain a priceless exchange experience that is full of surprises.
Sister schools all over the world
Our school has formed sister school relationships with many world-class science and engineering institutes with long histories. Additionally, there have been more than 400 exchange students in the past 5 years. Exchange students may apply to the sister schools that accept exchanges and study at these highly ranked schools for a semester or even a year. The student may also apply to the sister schools, which are renowned science and engineering institutes throughout Europe, America and Asia.
>View the complete list of our sister schools


If you’re smart, you are qualified
Every student in the program has the opportunity to apply to study abroad. If your semester average grade exceeds 80 and you possess relevant English-language certificates, you can apply for a scholarship of up to 300,000 (TWD) per year. This class does not have application quota restrictions; anyone who meets the qualifications can apply. As a result, study abroad becomes both easy and enjoyable because you can save yourself the expense of traveling abroad alone.
Please refer to the Exchange Student Scholarship Application

Exchange Program
In a learning environment of global elites, you can learn with first-class students, step out of your comfort zone and re-position your life. Many talents choose to study abroad to enter the world stage. Usually, when applying to be an exchange student yourself, the process is not only complicated but also costly. We save our students from all of these troubles and offer various pathways to studying abroad and generous scholarships to help students to study successfully and experience a whole new world. The students in the program may apply to the National Chiao Tung University International Office for university-level exchange or to the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering International Office for college-level exchange. Make up your mind now and visit these offices’ information pages to start preparing your materials!