國立陽明交通大學奈米科學及工程學士學位學程 修讀辦法 nycu-Undergraduate Honors Program of Nano Science and Engineering Course Selection Policy
修業年限Study Period
The study period for each department in the Bachelor’s program (degree program) is 4 years.Any students in the Bachelor’s program who cannot complete the number of credits required by the department within the study period may apply for an extension of study period. the extension shall not exceed 2 school years. If the student transfers to a different department at a lower year, the study period repeated in the two departments may be excluded from the maximum study period imposed by the admitting department.
Students with double majors may, after two years of extension, apply for another year of extension if the credits for the courses required in one major are completed and the credits for the courses required in another major are not yet completed.
上述修業年限不包括休學期間。學生因故可於學期考試開始前申請休 學一學期、一學年或二學年。休學累計以二學年為限,期滿因重病醫療需復健時程致無法及時復學者,得申請延長惟須經教務會議審議通過。
Leave of Absence shall be for two school years on accumulated basis in principle. In case of serious illness or special event upon expiry of the periods of approved absence, justifications may be submitted to seek approval from the Department (School) Affairs Meeting and forwarding to the Academic Affairs Director for approval to the extended Leave of Absence for one more semester or one more school year. If the period of extended Leave of Absence exceeds one year due to rehabilitation under medical care for serious illness, the approval from the Academic Affairs Meeting shall be required.
Failure to complete registration within the deadline or failure to return to school upon completion of Leave of Absence period.
Any new student with hospitalization due to serious illness or special event who cannot enroll within the stipulated time may apply for deferred admission(justification issued by the hospital). Deferred admission shall be limited to one year.
註冊時之選課須經學程主任同意。加退選時亦同。選修他系所或他校之科目,須經本學位學程及有關學程主任之核准。同一時段內不得修讀兩個科目,否則兩科成績均以零分計算。 Students shall select their courses in accordance with the course schedule required by each department and shall complete course selection, , and cancellation for each semester within the stipulated deadline. The course selections shall be approved by the director of the department and submitted to the Division of Curriculum of the Office of Academic Affairs for registration. Courses of the same time period may not be selected at the same time . If any such multiple choice is discovered, the student will receive a score of zero for both courses. Selection of courses by other department shall be subject to the approval of the relevant department.
本學位學程最低之畢業學分為130學分,包含專業必修71學分,專業必選18學分,其他非通識課程專業選修11學分(可承認外校,但須經本學位學程審核同意)、自由選修6學分,校訂共同課程24學分(通識18學分,外語6學分)。可承認外校學分,但須經本學位學程審核同意,「服務學習 (一)(二)」必修0學分(「服務學習」(二)可選修外系課程)。必修科目及專業選修(必選課程)規定詳見專業課程。
A minimum 130 credits must be completed by each student, including 71 credits from the core courses of the major;18 credits from the courses in the fields required by the major;11 credits from optional non-general education courses in fields required by the major;6 credits from chosen elective courses;24 credits of common courses are required by the school(Elective general education courses: 18 credits.Basic English course: 6 credits.)
Students are to complete and pass two semesters of Service-Learning before graduation. They are restricted to take Service-Learning I in their respective department but may attend Service-Learning II offered by other departments as well as their own department.
Required Course List
In the freshman and sophomore years, students enroll in basic courses, including physics, chemistry, electronics, life sciences and mathematics (including experiments); in the junior and senior years, students select courses in two subjects from the four fields of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomaterials and nano-biological science and technology.
Undergraduates must take at least 15 credits per semester during their freshmen to junior years, and at least 9 credits.Any student who has completed the number of courses and credits required by the department (degree program) during the semester or school year before the completion of the stipulated study period but who does not satisfy the conditions for graduation shall still register with the school.
If any graduating student must take or retake any credit to be acquired during the second semester of the extended period, no registration for the first semester will be required and the student may be suspended. Any student registering for any semester must take at least one course.
For any course given in two or more (inclusive) semesters, if there is a prior and later order for each semester, the course must not be taken in the reverse order unless with the consents of the program and lecturer. If the student fails to pass the course in the first semester, the course in the second semester shall not be taken unless with the consents of the program and lecturer.
Assessment by Percentiles: 100 is the full score. For students studying in the Bachelor’s program and Bachelor’s students studying in the Master’s program, 60 is the passing score.
學分抵免Credit Waiver
The following students may apply for a credit waiver:
Freshmen students who had enrolled in other colleges or universities before attending National Chiao Tung University;
Students who have studied other courses with credits earned throughout the academic years;
The rules of freshmen students who had enrolled in other colleges or universities before attending National Chiao Tung University are as follows:
Credit waiver of forty credit hours can be admitted to the class of two school years.
Two-year College and Five-year college graduates can be admitted to the class of two school years higher maximum. Expelled university students can be admitted to the class of the expelling school year maximum and are limited to the fourth school year.
不同學分互抵後之處理規定如下: Uneven credits waiver:
以多抵少者:抵免後以少學分登記。 Understated credit waiver: The less credit is waived after the credit waiver.
逕行修讀博士學位 Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree
Graduating students in the Bachelor’s program (including students meeting the conditions for early graduation) with one of the following criteria:
學業成績平均 85 分以上,具研究潛力者。
A grade average above 85 points and with research potentials;
名次在該班學生前 10%以內,具研究潛力者。
Top 10% academic ranking of the class with research potentials;
Graded by the program with good scores and research potentials;
Students who apply for a Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree should be with the recommendation of more than two Associate Professors from the Department or the related Department (school and degree program) of National Chiao Tung University.
核准逕行修讀修讀博士學位之學士班應屆畢業生,在就讀前需取得學士學位。 在就讀前未取得學士學位者,取消其逕修讀博士學位資格。
The graduating students in the Bachelor’s program approved for the Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree must obtain a bachelor’s degree prior to attending the program, otherwise; the said graduating students in the Bachelor’s program will be disqualified for the Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree.
The graduate students in the Master’s program for the Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree who for any reason have stopped pursuing a PhD degree or have failed the PhD candidates qualification examination may submit an application form to apply for the Master’s programs of the University with the approval of the PhD program, the review of the program of the original Master’s program, and the approval of the Principal. The study period and Leave of Absence for the PhD degree will not be included in the maximum study period and Leave of Absence for the Master’s program.
Any matter that is not fully provided for under these Regulations shall be in accordance with educational legislations and application regulations of the University.
These rules shall be implemented after being approved by the
Program Affairs Meeting; the same procedure applies to all
The Chinese version of the document shall prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Chinese version and its English translation.