

The program originated from the trend of the era


有鑑於國家積極投入奈米科技之研究,國立交通大學工學院為適時提供目前及未來高科技產業及學術界所需的奈米科技相關人才,因此早在民國 90 年即向教育部申請成立奈米科技研究所,是全國第一個奈米科技研究所。交通大學工學院奈米科技研究所碩士班在設立之初,即邀請美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 UCLA 副校長何志明教授(亦是美國加州大學洛杉磯分校系統奈米計畫總主持人及美國工程院士及中央研究院院士)、UCLA 材料系主任杜經寧教授(亦是中央研究院院士)、香港城市大學物理&材料系主任程海東教授(原伊利諾大學系主任,現為東海大學校長)、香港科技大學沈平系主任、聯華電子公司首席技術副總經理羅應聰、工研院奈米中心主任及交通大學教授 20 餘位等,經過三天研討會,擬訂了奈米科技研究所未來研究發展三大方向:奈米生物、奈米材料、奈米電子。
In view of the government’s active involvement in nanotechnology research, the College of Engineering at National Chiao Tung University submitted applications to the Ministry of Education to establish a nanotechnology research institute as early as 2001, with the goal of timely provision of the nanotechnology talents needed by current and future high-tech industries and academia. The established Nanotechnology Graduate Institute was the first in the country. Initially, many professors were invited for a 3-day meeting. These professors included the following: the Vice Chancellor of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Professor Chih-Ming Ho, also a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Director of the Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration (CMISE), Executive Committee of California NanoSystem Institute (CNSI), and Academician of Academia Sinica, R. O. C.), head of the Department of Materials Science at UCLA, Professor King-Ning Tu (also Academician of Academia Sinica), head of the Department of Physics & Material Science at Hong Kong University, Professor Chen Haydn Hai-dung (formerly a department head at Illinois University and currently the president of Tokai University), director Ping Sheng of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, vice president and chief technology officer in United Microelectronics Corp - Ying-Tsung Lo, the director of the Nanotechnology center in Industrial Technology Research Institute and more than 20 university professors. After 3 days of discussion, 3 major directions were planned for the future development of the Graduate Institute of Nanotechnology: nanobiology, nanomaterials and nanoelectronics.

Setting deeper roots in talent cultivation

Graduates from the Department of Materials Science and the Graduate Institute of Nano Technology of our school receive 4 job offers on average, indicating that this type of talent is urgently needed by the present society. In addition, given the drastically increased demand for talents for nanotechnology research in both academia and industry, undergraduate students with nanotechnology backgrounds are urgently needed.

Based on several years of experience in recruiting students for the masters’ program of the “Nanotechnology Graduate Institute," although students were from different areas, the basic courses they took in college were inadequate. For example, performing interdisciplinary nanotechnology research requires students to have basic training in at least two disciplines; however, currently, there is no such undergraduate nanotechnology department that cultivates talents in this very important technology. Therefore, to develop the forward-looking interdisciplinary research in nanotechnology, it is necessary to establish an undergraduate program in nano science and engineering to allow undergraduate students to pursue interdisciplinary basic courses in college. Students in such a program will possess the basic ability to perform interdisciplinary nanotechnology research when they enter graduate institutes and will contribute to future industry. Thus, this program will constitute a considerable contribution to the development of forward-looking technology leaders.

Chime in

Given that the effects of nanotechnology on electronics, materials, biological science and technology, photonics, etc. are gradually expanding and that the National Chiao Tung University has a well-established foundation in electronic research, the school made effective use of its limited resources to establish our specialty in nanotechnology and proposed integrating the resources of related colleges and departments to found an undergraduate honors program for nano science and engineering and provide basic education in nanotechnology.

The divisions between professions are currently becoming finer and more sophisticated, and interdisciplinary integration is more important than ever. In response to the rapidly changing industry, the Ministry of Education amended the University Act and broke the long-standing department-institute framework, making enrolling in a "degree program" possible and pushing the college curriculum forward into a new era of inter-school/college/department integration.

Across four fields, ready at once


Due to the surface effect, the small size effect and the quantum effect, nanomaterials exhibit many special properties, including optical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, mechanical and chemical properties. The field of nanomaterials is now becoming a very important branch of nanotechnology. Because of the unique chemical and biological properties of nanomaterials, these materials can be used in biomedical applications, such as disease detection and the tracking and treatment of cancer.


On the nanoscale, electronic devices have excellent design flexibility, thermal conduction and current conduction. Human life will become more convenient, safe and comfortable due to the development of nanoelectronics.


Nanophotonics includes studies of various laser light sources, nano-optoelectronic devices, the formation of laser optical patterns and photonic physics. In addition, spatial filtering, combined with Fourier optics, can be used to produce very rich optical patterns, which are closely related to architecture or art.

奈米生物科技Nano Biological Science and Technology

Research aims to develop micro/nano-materials that can effectively bind targeting molecules (such as liposomes, nano-diamonds, nano gold particles, etc.). These materials can be used to carry anti-cancer drugs and bind tumor cells to destroy cancer cells and reduce the toxicity to normal cells.

Choose what you want to learn and be an expert in both disciplines

培育目標Goal of cultivation

The purpose of the interdisciplinary Undergraduate Honors Program for Nano Science and Engineering of Science in our school is to foster interdisciplinary talents in nanotechnology who will be able to contribute to academics and high-tech industries, especially in the fields of nanoelectronics, nanomaterials, nano-biological science and technology and nanophotonics. The goal of this program is to foster interdisciplinary talents who have a basic understanding of 4 disciplines and are experts in 2 of these disciplines.

Let’s take nanoelectronics and nanobiological science and technology for an example.

Nanoelectronics may replace silicon with new materials and technologies, such as polymer and organic molecular materials, which have recently undergone important developments and will have unparalleled impacts on the next generation of the optoelectronic display and electronics industries. In addition, because organic electronic devices are similar in size to biological molecules, it is also important to modify organic electronic devices and apply them to biomedical sensing. Nano-biological science and technology have had significant impacts on the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, especially regarding the breakthrough in the development of biomedical chips and new drugs.

In light of the development of emerging technological fields, in addition to being a good complement to the conventional microelectronics and inorganic nanoelectronics of our school, the curriculum design of the program also combines the government-promoted Biomedical Science Park and the National Institutes of Health- promoted nano-biomedicines to train undergraduates and systematically introduce courses covering the entire spectrum from fundamentals to practical applications. In addition, students are allowed to perform research on specific topics in the 3rd and 4th years so that the talents needed by this country to develop nanotechnology will receive the necessary training.



Future development and future success in education in graduate institutes

The curriculum of the program focuses on teaching core courses of a dual nature. Students can choose any 2 out of the 4 fields – nanoelectronics, nanomaterial, nano-biological science and technology and nanophotonics – as their majors. Therefore, together with the planned entry-level basic courses, which include physics, chemistry, mathematics and life sciences, students can choose to study their fields of interest as soon as they graduate and enter the graduate institute, for example, the College of Science, the College of Life Sciences, the College of Electrical and Information Engineering or the Medical School, for professional development.

Those talents who receive interdisciplinary training in nanotechnology can also explore beyond the 2 main fields of expertise for which they receive training in college and conduct research that integrates 3 disciplines in the Nanotechnology Graduate Institute of our school. This possibility will be a great contribution to the development of future forward-looking technology leaders.

工業界就業Working in industry

Because all students in the program will have double majors selected from the 4 majors of nanoelectronics, nanomaterial, nano-biological science and technology and nanophotonics, after graduation, they can find jobs that use their expertise in the electronic, photonics or biotech industries. Currently, jobs in fields such as patent analysis need talents who have professional interdisciplinary training to improve the companies’ intellectual property advantages. Graduates from the program can also meet the needs of industry.

The status of the program is improving.

A closer advisor-student relationship can be facilitated through frequent gatherings.

In addition to assisting with course selection and career planning, this relationship also includes individual advisor-student meetings and a gathering of all advisors and students at the end of the semester organized by the department. The communication between teachers and students is very rich. The students can discuss any questions regarding academics, research, internships or their future career with their advisors, and maintaining good relationships with the advisors is of practical use in the future.

All majors are useful

本班畢業生升研究所甄試學生同時錄取跨學院科系佔者 68%,如某生同時錄取電機學院電子所、光電所及工學院材料所。顯見跨領域學習擁有更寬廣的揮灑空間。第一屆方畢業,參加研究所推甄就有 70% 的同學全數上榜,應屆甄試錄取台清交研究所。
In total, 68% of the graduates from the program were admitted into different colleges/institutes simultaneously, for example, a student was admitted by the Institute of Electronics and Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics of the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Institute of Materials Science of the College of Engineering, indicating that interdisciplinary study can provide you with a bigger stage on which to display your talent. Immediately after the first graduation, 70% of the program’s students who took the screening test were admitted into graduate institutes of Taiwan University, Taiwan Tsinghua University and National Chiao Tung University.


Travel abroad and gain extraordinary experience

Students in the program who display excellent academic performance are guaranteed the opportunity to study abroad. Because there are no quota restrictions for the scholarship, the program’s students are very enthusiastic in applying to study abroad as exchange students. Over the years, students in the program have studied at sister schools around the world. When visiting other countries, our students not only study hard but also make strong efforts in organizing activities, demonstrating the great quality of our citizen diplomacy.


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