
畢業規定 Graduation requirements

  1. 本學士班最低之畢業學分為130學分1,包含:
    A minimum 130 credits must be completed by each student, including
    1. 71學分:專業必修,含大一導師時間(奈米生涯規劃及生涯規劃)0學分。
      71 credits from the core courses of the major.
    2. 18學分:專業選修。
      奈米組: 規劃奈米電子、奈米光電、奈米材料、奈米生科等四大領域,畢業前必須修完任兩個領域課程。
      18 credits from the courses in the fields required by the major;Completing any two of the following areas:nanoelectronics、nanophotonics、nanomaterials、nano-biological science and technology
    3. 11~15學分:其他非通識課程專業選修(理工相關課程)2,可承認外校,但須經本學士班審核同意。(110學年前11學分,110學年起15學分)
      11/15 credits from optional non-general education courses in fields required by the major.
    4. 2~6 學分:自由選修(不含體育軍訓)。(110學年前入學6學分,110學年起2學分)3
      2~6 credits from chosen elective courses.
    5. 24學分:校共同必修 The 24 credits of general education
      • ‧6 學分:校共同語文6
        Foreign language: 6 credits.
        • 英文基礎課程(111學年(含)起為英文課程)4學分
          Basic English course: 4 credits.
        • 英文進階或其他外語課程(111學年(含)起為及「英文、國家語言、第二外語、溝通課程(包括溝通、表達與寫作)等面向」)2學分
          Advanced English or other foreign language courses: 2 credits.
      • ‧18學分:通識課程
        General Education Course:18 credits(Required general education courses: .)
      • 0 學分:必修服務學習(一)(二)-(112學年起改為二門「基礎服務學習」或一門「專業服務學習)。體育至少需修習6學期。
        Students are to complete and pass two semesters of Service-Learning before graduation. They are restricted to take Service-Learning I in their respective department but may attend Service-Learning II offered by other departments as well as their own department.